[][src]Macro refinery::include_migration_mods

include_migration_mods!() { /* proc-macro */ }

Imports Rust migration modules with migrations and inserts a function called runner that when called returns a Runner instance with the collected migration modules.

include_migration_mods expects to be called from a mod.rs file in directory called migrations below the src directory of your Rust project. if you want the directory to have another name you have to call include_migration_mods with it's path relative to the crate root. In the future this will not be needed and include_migration_mods will detect automatically from which module it is being called.

To be a valid migration module, it has to be named in the format V{1}__{2}.rs where {1} represents the migration version and {2} the name. For the name alphanumeric characters plus "_" are supported. The migration module must have a function named migration() that returns a std::string::String.

Example using Barrel

This example is not tested
// module named V1__add_persons_table.rs in src/db/migrations
use barrel::backend::MySql;
use barrel::{Migration, types};

pub fn migration() -> String {
   let mut m = Migration::new();

   m.create_table("persons", |t| {
       t.add_column("id", types::primary());
       t.add_column("name", types::varchar(255));
       t.add_column("city", types::varchar(255));
