Crate ref_count

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ref_count is a high-performance, robust, no_std, no_alloc, async reference counting crate designed for Rust environments that require efficiency and low overhead. It leverages core futures and core wakers, alongside a lock-free queue, to manage synchronization without blocking or spinning, making it ideal for use in embedded systems, real-time applications, or any scenario where dynamic memory allocation and standard library features are not available or desired.


  • High Performance: Optimized for speed and efficiency in environments where resources are limited.
  • Robustness: Carefully implemented to ensure thread safety and free of deadlocks, especially when dealing with exclusive references, verified with loom among other measures.
  • no_std and no_alloc: Works in no_std environments without requiring dynamic memory allocation.
  • Asynchronous: Utilizes futures and wakers from the core library to handle waiting without blocking or spinning.
  • Exclusive References: Supports exclusive references, allowing for the creation of higher level primitives such as readers-writer locks.
  • Fair: Taking advantage of a lock-free queue, priority inversion and starvation are prevented.
  • Environment Agnostic: From seL4 to Linux, this crate was designed to not care. This also applies to async runtimes, working with whatever your preference is.


Add ref_count to your Cargo.toml:

ref_count = "0.1.2"

§Example Usage

Creating an RwLock

use ref_count::{RefCount, Ref, ExclusiveRef, maybe_await};
use core::cell::UnsafeCell;

const MAX_WAITERS: usize = 32;

struct RwLock<T> {
    data: UnsafeCell<T>,
    state: RefCount<MAX_WAITERS>

struct ReadGuard<'lock, T> {
    _ref: Ref<'lock, MAX_WAITERS>,
    data: &'lock T

struct WriteGuard<'lock, T> {
    _ref: ExclusiveRef<'lock, MAX_WAITERS>,
    data: &'lock mut T

impl<T> RwLock<T> {
    fn new(t: T) -> Self {
        Self {
            data: UnsafeCell::new(t),
            state: RefCount::new()
    async fn read(&self) -> ReadGuard<T> {
        let r = maybe_await!(self.state.get_ref());
        ReadGuard {
            _ref: r,
            // SAFETY: Multiple read guards can be created as `RefCount` ensures that
            // no exclusive references are granted when shared references exist.
            data: unsafe { &* }
    async fn write(&self) -> WriteGuard<T> {
        let e = maybe_await!(self.state.get_exclusive_ref());
        WriteGuard {
            _ref: e,
            // SAFETY: Only one `WriteGuard` can be created at a time as `RefCount` ensures
            // exclusive access to the data.
            data: unsafe { &mut * }

§Simplicity in Action

The example above was crafted in under two minutes, highlighting the straightforward and user-friendly design of ref_count. This simplicity is at the core of the crate’s philosophy, ensuring developers can implement robust, no_std, no_alloc, async reference counting without a steep learning curve. Whether in embedded systems, real-time applications, or other efficiency-critical environments, ref_count aims to simplify the development process while maintaining high performance and safety standards.

§Performance Focus: Standard vs. Exclusive References

In the development of ref_count, it was observed that in many applications, particularly those using read-write locks, the frequency of read operations significantly surpasses that of write operations. This pattern is not merely anecdotal but a well-documented phenomenon across a variety of fields, from file systems to database management. With this insight, ref_count was deliberately engineered to excel in these common scenarios, thereby ensuring that the operations performed most frequently are also the most efficient.

By focusing on enhancing the performance of acquiring and releasing standard references, ref_count achieves over a 50% improvement in these operations compared to its leading competitors. For exclusive references, the design prioritizes acquisition speed and efficiency for waiting threads, rather than concentrating solely on the speed of release operations.


  • Optimized Read Operations: Provides faster access for the more commonly needed read operations, enhancing overall application performance.
  • Well-Managed Write Access: Ensures efficient and equitable management of write operations, contributing to the stability and reliability of the system.
  • Versatility: Designed to accommodate a broad spectrum of applications, from those predominantly requiring read access to those where timely write access is crucial.


Queue for Polling Waiters
Simple Backoff
Lock State Constants
Future impl for Ref and ExclusiveRef
Prevent False Sharing
Wrapper for Waker


Maybe Await


Exclusive Reference
Standard Reference
Reference Counter


Reference State