Module redis_async::client[][src]

Expand description

The client API itself.

This contains three main functions that return three specific types of client:

  • connect returns a pair of Stream and Sink, clients can write RESP messages to the Sink and read RESP messages from the Stream. Pairing requests to responses is up to the client. This is intended to be a low-level interface from which more user-friendly interfaces can be built.
  • paired_connect is used for most of the standard Redis commands, where one request results in one response.
  • pubsub_connect is used for Redis’s PUBSUB functionality.


pub use self::connect::connect;
pub use self::paired::paired_connect;
pub use self::paired::PairedConnection;
pub use self::pubsub::pubsub_connect;
pub use self::pubsub::PubsubConnection;



Connection builder