Macro recs::component_filter [] [src]

macro_rules! component_filter {
    ($($x:ty),*) => { ... };
    ($($x:ty,)*) => { ... };

Create a ComponentFilter by type name.

If you want all entities with components Foo and Bar:

#[macro_use] // The macro won't be imported without this flag!
extern crate recs;
use recs::{Ecs, EntityId};

struct Foo;
struct Bar;

fn main() {
    let sys = Ecs::new();
    // ... add some entities and components ...
    let mut ids: Vec<EntityId> = Vec::new();
    let filter = component_filter!(Foo, Bar);
    sys.collect_with(&filter, &mut ids);
    for id in ids {
        // Will only iterate over entities that have been assigned both `Foo` and `Bar`
        // components