[]Crate recrypt

Recrypt implements a set of cryptographic primitives for building a multi-hop proxy re-encryption scheme, known as Transform Encryption.

Start exploring the Api documentation

Basic Encrypt/Decrypt Example

use recrypt::Revealed;
use recrypt::api::*;
// create a new recrypt api
let mut api = Api::new();

// generate a plaintext to encrypt
let pt = api.gen_plaintext();

// generate a public/private keypair and some signing keys
let (priv_key, pub_key) = api.generate_key_pair().unwrap();
let signing_keypair = api.generate_ed25519_key_pair();

// encrypt!
let encrypted_val = api.encrypt(&pt, pub_key, &signing_keypair).unwrap();

// decrypt!
let decrypted_val = api.decrypt(encrypted_val, &priv_key).unwrap();

// plaintext recovered.
assert_eq!(Revealed(pt), Revealed(decrypted_val))

Single-hop Transform Encryption Example

Encrypt a message to public key initial_pub_key and decrypt it with target_priv_key after transforming the encrypted message.

use recrypt::Revealed;
use recrypt::api::*;
// create a new recrypt api
let mut api = Api::new();

// generate a plaintext to encrypt
let pt = api.gen_plaintext();

// generate signing keys
let signing_keypair= api.generate_ed25519_key_pair();

// generate a public/private keypair to encrypt the data to initially.
let (initial_priv_key, initial_pub_key) = api.generate_key_pair().unwrap();

// encrypt the data to `initial_pub_key`!
let encrypted_val = api.encrypt(&pt, initial_pub_key, &signing_keypair).unwrap();

// generate a second public/private keypair as the target of the transform.
// after applying the transform, `target_priv_key` will be able to decrypt the data!
let (target_priv_key, target_pub_key) = api.generate_key_pair().unwrap();

// generate a transform key that will change which private key can decrypt the data
let initial_to_target_transform_key = api.generate_transform_key(

// Transform the plaintext to be encrypted to the target!
// The data is _not_ be decrypted here. Simply transformed!
let transformed_val = api.transform(

// decrypt the transformed value with the target private key and recover the plaintext
let decrypted_val = api.decrypt(transformed_val, &target_priv_key).unwrap();

// plaintext recovered.
assert_eq!(Revealed(pt), Revealed(decrypted_val));

Constant Time and Equality

We have done a lot of work in recrypt-rs to ensure that operations dealing with secret data are constant time and not susceptible to timing attacks. The public API is also constant time, except for equality. In the future we might implement constant time PartialEq, but until then secret API values (Plaintext, PrivateKey, DerivedSymmetricKey) have equality only when wrapped in the Revealed type.





Marker struct to show potential weakness to side-channel attacks for normally secure types. Never wrapped around u8, u32, u64 as those are always assumed to be revealed.