[][src]Trait reclaim::ProtectRegion

pub unsafe trait ProtectRegion where
    Self: Protect
{ }

A trait for guard types that protect any values loaded during their existence and lifetime.


use core::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed;

use reclaim::typenum::U0;
use reclaim::prelude::*;
// `Leaking` implements both `Protect` and `ProtectRegion`
use reclaim::leak::Guard;

type Atomic<T> = reclaim::leak::Atomic<T, U0>;

let atomic = Atomic::new(1);
let other = Atomic::new(0);

let guard = Guard::new();
let shared1 = atomic.load(Relaxed, &guard).unwrap();
let shared0 = other.load(Relaxed, &guard).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&*shared1, &1);
assert_eq!(&*shared0, &0);


impl ProtectRegion for Guard[src]

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