[][src]Function realsense_sys::rs2_pipeline_get_active_profile

pub unsafe extern "C" fn rs2_pipeline_get_active_profile(
    pipe: *mut rs2_pipeline,
    error: *mut *mut rs2_error
) -> *mut rs2_pipeline_profile

Return the active device and streams profiles, used by the pipeline. The pipeline streams profiles are selected during \c start(). The method returns a valid result only when the pipeline is active - between calls to \c start() and \c stop(). After \c stop() is called, the pipeline doesn't own the device, thus, the pipeline selected device may change in subsequent activations.

\param[in] pipe a pointer to an instance of the pipeline \param[out] error if non-null, receives any error that occurs during this call, otherwise, errors are ignored \return The actual pipeline device and streams profile, which was successfully configured to the streaming device on start.