[][src]Function realsense_sys::rs2_get_static_node

pub unsafe extern "C" fn rs2_get_static_node(
    sensor: *const rs2_sensor,
    guid: *const c_char,
    pos: *mut rs2_vector,
    orient: *mut rs2_quaternion,
    error: *mut *mut rs2_error
) -> c_int

Retrieve a named location tag \param[in] sensor T2xx position-tracking sensor \param[in] guid Null-terminated string of up to 127 characters \param[out] pos Position in meters of the tagged (stored) location \param[out] orient Quaternion orientation of the tagged (stored) location \param[out] error If non-null, receives any error that occurs during this call, otherwise, errors are ignored \return Non-zero if succeeded, otherwise 0