[][src]Function realsense_sys::rs2_create_flash_backup

pub unsafe extern "C" fn rs2_create_flash_backup(
    device: *const rs2_device,
    callback: rs2_update_progress_callback_ptr,
    client_data: *mut c_void,
    error: *mut *mut rs2_error
) -> *const rs2_raw_data_buffer

Create backup of camera flash memory. Such backup does not constitute valid firmware image, and cannot be loaded back to the device, but it does contain all calibration and device information. \param[in] device Device to update \param[in] callback Optional callback for update progress notifications, the progress value is normailzed to 1 \param[in] client_data Optional client data for the callback \param[out] error If non-null, receives any error that occurs during this call, otherwise, errors are ignored