[][src]Function realsense_sys::rs2_get_stream_profile_data

pub unsafe extern "C" fn rs2_get_stream_profile_data(
    mode: *const rs2_stream_profile,
    stream: *mut rs2_stream,
    format: *mut rs2_format,
    index: *mut c_int,
    unique_id: *mut c_int,
    framerate: *mut c_int,
    error: *mut *mut rs2_error

Extract common parameters of a stream profiles \param[in] mode input stream profile \param[out] stream stream type of the input profile \param[out] format binary data format of the input profile \param[out] index stream index the input profile in case there are multiple streams of the same type \param[out] unique_id identifier for the stream profile, unique within the application \param[out] framerate expected rate for data frames to arrive, meaning expected number of frames per second \param[out] error if non-null, receives any error that occurs during this call, otherwise, errors are ignored