initSidebarItems({"enum":[["ParseStringError","Contains errors when parsing a string."]],"fn":[["number","Reads number."],["parse_string","Parses string into a real string according to the JSON standard."],["parse_unicode","Parses four unicode characters in hexadecimal format."],["string","Reads string with character escapes."],["token","Reads an expected token, return `None` if it does not match."],["underscore_number","Reads a number that can have underscore as visual separator."],["until_any","Reads token until any character in string. Returns `(range, None)` if stopping at end of characters. Returns `(range, Some(x))` if stopping at a character."],["until_any_or_whitespace","Reads a token until any character in string or whitespace. Returns `(range, None)` if stopping at whitespace or end of characters. Returns `(range, Some(x))` if stopping at a character."],["whitespace","Reads whitespace."]]});