Module rdftk_core::model[][src]

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This module contains the traits and types used to describe an abstract DataSet, Graph, and Statement RDF model.



Provides an implementation of the W3C RDF 1.1: On Semantics of RDF Datasets recommendation. Additional semantics taken from RDF 1.1 TriG, RDF Dataset Language.


One-line description.


Traits which describe the core capabilities of a graph. Note that this crate does not provide an implementation of these traits as they are very dependent on their usage for performance, and any backing storage.


The Literal type used in the object component of a statement. Literal values are always strings, although an optional data type can be provided to allow consumers to convert from string lexical forms.


Qualified names, names with the form {prefix}:{name} are used in a number of common serialization forms and use many of the same production rules as those for XML.


This module provides types for the RDF Statement (triple) concept.



Denotes equivalence between Self and some other type. Equivalence is a very specific, non-symmetric, non-transitive, directed type to type equality.


A trait implemented by types that are constructed by providers. This allows for providers to ensure that values belong to them.