Crate rdf_dynsyn

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This crate provides sophia-compatible and sophia-based rdf parsers/serializers, that can be instantiated against any of supported syntaxes dynamically at run time.


Although sophia provides specialized parsers/serializers for each syntax, we have to know document syntax at code-time to practically use them. In many cases of web, we may know syntax of a doc only at runtime, like from content-type, file-extn, etc. As each specialized parser parses to corresponding stream types, etc.. it will be difficult to work with them in such dynamic cases. For Handling such cases this crate provides well-tested abstractions, that integrates into sophia eco-system.

Getting Started

Following is a short example on how to get syntax from media-types/ file-extensions, and instantiate parser for detected syntax, parse content,mutate it and serialize back into desired syntax. Also see examples directory for more.

use std::{collections::HashSet, str::FromStr};

use mime::Mime;
use sophia_api::{
    serializer::{Stringifier, TripleSerializer},

use gdp_rs::proven::TryProven;
use rdf_dynsyn::{
    correspondence::Correspondent, parser::triples::*, serializer::triples::*, syntax::RdfSyntax,

    //  let's say following are input params we got dynamically.
    // source media_type, content of source doc, and target media_type
    let src_doc_media_type = "text/turtle";
    let tgt_doc_media_type = "application/rdf+xml";
    let src_doc_content = r#"
        @prefix : <>.
        @prefix foaf: <>.

        :alice foaf:name "Alice";
            foaf:mbox <mailto:alice@work.example> .

        :bob foaf:name "Bob".

    // resolve syntaxes for media_types. Or one can use static constants exported by `syntax` module,
    let src_doc_syntax =
    let tgt_doc_syntax =

    // get parser for source syntax
    let parser_factory = DynSynTripleParserFactory::default();
    let parser = parser_factory.new_parser(src_doc_syntax.try_proven()?, None);

    // parse to a graph
    let mut graph: HashSet<[SimpleTerm; 3]> =

    let ex = Namespace::new("")?;
    let foaf = Namespace::new("")?;

    // mutate graph
    graph.insert_triple([&ex.get("bob")?, &foaf.get("knows")?, &ex.get("alice")?])?;

    // get serializer for target syntax
    let serializer_factory = DynSynTripleSerializerFactory::new(None); // Here we can pass optional formatting options. see documentation.

    let mut serializer = serializer_factory.new_stringifier(tgt_doc_syntax.try_proven()?);
    let serialized_doc = serializer.serialize_graph(&graph)?.as_str();

    println!("The resulting graph\n{}", serialized_doc);



  • I define Correspondent wrapper type to represent correspondence among rdf syntaxes, media-types, file-extensions.
  • I define statics for recommonded file extensions for different concrete rdf syntaxes.
  • I define statics for media types corresponding different rdf concrete syntaxes.
  • I define an dynsyn models for rdf concepts.
  • I define dynsyn rdf parsing utilities.
  • I define dynsyn rdf serializing utilities.
  • I define struct for rdf concrete syntax. It also exports few syntax constants.


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