Expand description
A crate for the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and SPARQL.
This crate enables to parse certain RDF formats to an RDF graph, as well as writing an RDF graph as RDF syntax.
Currently supported RDF formats are:
- Turtle
- N-Triples
Each module contains a comprehensive documentation with usage examples. In the following, only the basic functionality is introduced.
RDF triples can be stored and represented in a graph.
use rdf::graph::Graph;
use rdf::uri::Uri;
use rdf::triple::Triple;
let mut graph = Graph::new(None);
let subject = graph.create_blank_node();
let predicate = graph.create_uri_node(&Uri::new("http://example.org/show/localName".to_string()));
let object = graph.create_blank_node();
let triple = Triple::new(&subject, &predicate, &object);
RDF graphs can be serialized to a supported format.
use rdf::writer::n_triples_writer::NTriplesWriter;
use rdf::writer::rdf_writer::RdfWriter;
use rdf::graph::Graph;
use rdf::uri::Uri;
use rdf::triple::Triple;
let writer = NTriplesWriter::new();
let mut graph = Graph::new(None);
let subject = graph.create_blank_node();
let predicate = graph.create_uri_node(&Uri::new("http://example.org/show/localName".to_string()));
let object = graph.create_blank_node();
let triple = Triple::new(&subject, &predicate, &object);
"_:auto0 <http://example.org/show/localName> _:auto1 .\n".to_string());
RDF syntax can also be parsed and transformed into an RDF graph.
use rdf::reader::turtle_parser::TurtleParser;
use rdf::reader::rdf_parser::RdfParser;
use rdf::uri::Uri;
let input = "@base <http://example.org/> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
<http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/ntriples/> rdf:type foaf:Document ;
<http://purl.org/dc/terms/title> \"N-Triples\"@en-US ;
foaf:maker _:art .";
let mut reader = TurtleParser::from_string(input.to_string());
match reader.decode() {
Ok(graph) => {
assert_eq!(graph.count(), 3);
assert_eq!(graph.namespaces().len(), 2);
assert_eq!(graph.base_uri(), &Some(Uri::new("http://example.org/".to_string())))
Err(_) => assert!(false)