Function rcudnn_sys::cudaDeviceGetSharedMemConfig[][src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn cudaDeviceGetSharedMemConfig(
    pConfig: *mut cudaSharedMemConfig
) -> cudaError_t
Expand description

\brief Returns the shared memory configuration for the current device.

This function will return in \p pConfig the current size of shared memory banks on the current device. On devices with configurable shared memory banks, ::cudaDeviceSetSharedMemConfig can be used to change this setting, so that all subsequent kernel launches will by default use the new bank size. When ::cudaDeviceGetSharedMemConfig is called on devices without configurable shared memory, it will return the fixed bank size of the hardware.

The returned bank configurations can be either:

  • ::cudaSharedMemBankSizeFourByte - shared memory bank width is four bytes.
  • ::cudaSharedMemBankSizeEightByte - shared memory bank width is eight bytes.

\param pConfig - Returned cache configuration

\return ::cudaSuccess, ::cudaErrorInvalidValue \notefnerr \note_init_rt \note_callback

\sa ::cudaDeviceSetCacheConfig, ::cudaDeviceGetCacheConfig, ::cudaDeviceSetSharedMemConfig, ::cudaFuncSetCacheConfig, ::cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig