Crate rbatis

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  • PySql: gen select*,update*,insert*,delete* … methods
  • Used to simulate enumerations to improve code maintainability. this is return &str data for example: let name=field_key!(BizActivity::id);
  • Used to simulate enumerations to improve code maintainability. this is return &str data for example: let name=field_name!(;
  • impl html_sql select page.
  • PySql: gen sql = DELETE FROM table_name WHERE some_column=some_value;
  • PySql: gen sql => INSERT INTO table_name (column1,column2,column3,…) VALUES (value1,value2,value3,…);
  • PySql: gen sql => SELECT (column1,column2,column3,…) FROM table_name (column1,column2,column3,…) *** WHERE ***
  • pysql impl_select_page If the database does not support the statement limit ${page_no},${page_size},You should include ${page_no} and ${page_size} in SQL
  • PySql: gen sql = UPDATE table_name SET column1=value1,column2=value2,… WHERE some_column=some_value;
  • html_sql/py_sql impled
  • Simplifies table construction by relying on the Default trait
  • Gets the HashMap collection of member attributes of the target Vec vec_ref: vec reference,field_name: the field name of the structure
  • Gets the HashMap collection of member attributes of the target Vec vec_ref: vec reference,field_name: the field name of the structure
  • take the target Vec member attribute Vec collection vec_ref: a reference to vec, field_name: the field name of the structure

Attribute Macros

  • html sql create macro,this macro use RB.py_query and RB.py_exec for example:
  • py sql create macro,this macro use RB.py_query and RB.py_exec
  • auto create sql macro,this macro use RB.query_prepare and RB.exec_prepare for example: pub static RB:Lazy = Lazy::new(||Rbatis::new()); #[sql(RB, “select * from biz_activity where id = ?”)] async fn select(name: &str) -> BizActivity {}