Expand description
Rust definitions of the Vulkan “handle” and “non-dispatchable handle” types.
The purpose of this crate is to be a small and stable public interface crate so that other crates that both use Vulkan can pass handles between each other when necessary without either directly depending on each other.
- Khronos: VkAccelerationStructureKHR (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkAccelerationStructureNV (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkBuffer (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkBufferCollectionFUCHSIA (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkBufferView (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkCommandBuffer (handle)
- Khronos: VkCommandPool (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkCuFunctionNVX (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkCuModuleNVX (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkDebugReportCallbackEXT (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkDeferredOperationKHR (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkDescriptorPool (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkDescriptorSet (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkDescriptorSetLayout (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkDevice (handle)
- Khronos: VkDeviceMemory (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkDisplayKHR (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkDisplayModeKHR (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkEvent (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkFence (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkFramebuffer (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkImage (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkImageView (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkIndirectCommandsLayoutNV (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkInstance (handle)
- Khronos: VkMicromapEXT (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkOpticalFlowSessionNV (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkPerformanceConfigurationINTEL (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkPhysicalDevice (handle)
- Khronos: VkPipeline (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkPipelineCache (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkPipelineLayout (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkPrivateDataSlot (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkQueryPool (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkQueue (handle)
- Khronos: VkRenderPass (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkSampler (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkSamplerYcbcrConversion (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkSemaphore (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkSemaphoreSciSyncPoolNV (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkShaderModule (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkSurfaceKHR (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkSwapchainKHR (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkValidationCacheEXT (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkVideoSessionKHR (non-dispatchable handle)
- Khronos: VkVideoSessionParametersKHR (non-dispatchable handle)