Crate rattler_installs_packages

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RIP is a library that allows the resolving and installing of Python PyPI packages from Rust into a virtual environment. It’s based on our experience with building Rattler and aims to provide the same experience but for PyPI instead of Conda. It should be fast and easy to use. Like Rattler, this library is not a package manager itself but provides the low-level plumbing to be used in one.


  • Module containing artifacts that can be resolved and installed.
  • This module contains functions for working with PyPA packaging repositories.
  • Functionality to install wheels.
  • Module for working with python environments. Contains functionality for querying and manipulating python environments.
  • This module contains the resolve function which is used to make the PyPI ecosystem compatible with the resolvo crate.
  • Contains the types that are used throughout the library. This module contains all the types for working with PyPA packaging repositories. We have tried to follow the PEP’s and PyPA packaging guide as closely as possible.
  • Turn an sdist into a wheel by creating a virtualenv and building the sdist in it
