Crate ratelimit

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A token bucket ratelimiter for rust which can be used by either a single thread or shared across threads using a mpsc synchronous channel


  • a simple token bucket ratelimiter
  • usable in single or multi thread code

Future work

  • consider additional types of ratelimiters


Construct a new Limiter and call block between actions. For multi-thread clone the channel sender to pass to the threads, in a separate thread, call run on the Limiter in a tight loop.


Construct Limiter to do a count-down.

extern crate ratelimit;

use std::time::Duration;

let mut ratelimit = ratelimit::Builder::new()
    .capacity(1) //number of tokens the bucket will hold
    .quantum(1) //add one token per interval
    .interval(Duration::new(1, 0)) //add quantum tokens every 1 second

// count down to ignition
for i in -10..0 {
    println!("T {}", i);

Use the Limiter to ratelimit multi-threaded cases

extern crate ratelimit;

use std::thread;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};

let mut ratelimit = ratelimit::Builder::new()
    .capacity(1) //number of tokens the bucket will hold
    .quantum(1) //add one token per interval
    .interval(Duration::new(1, 0)) //add quantum tokens every 1 second
let mut handle = ratelimit.make_handle();
thread::spawn(move || { });

// launch threads
let mut threads = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..10 {
    let mut handle = handle.clone();
    threads.push(thread::spawn(move || {
        println!("current time: {:?}", Instant::now());
for thread in threads {
println!("time's up!");


A builder for a rate limiter.
Handler for a multi-threaded rate-limiter.
Single-threaded rate limiter.