Expand description

Simple library for build (non-full) REST microservice

Is used async tokio runtime.

To build runtime use method “get_runtime”.

To create executor use method “new”, borrowing runtime and service.

To add functions use functions “add_get_functions” and “add_post_functions”.

Function name is last word in url.

Signature functions:

fn(Handle, Arc, Option<&str>) -> RasResult

Must return RasResult::Sync for sync call, and RasResult::Async for async call.

Sync contains HttpStatus and answer data. Async contains JoinHandle, wich will be awaited.


use ras_service::*;

// Your Service (used for contains resources, as discriptos or data)
// Must be Sync + Send
struct Service {
	some_data: String,

//Build your constructor here
impl Service {
	async fn new() -> Service {
		Service {
			some_data: "resource".to_string(),
//Sync get function
fn some_test_get(
	runtime: Handle,
	self_service: Arc<Service>,
	params: Option<&str>)
-> RasResult {
	let result = if let Some(param_str) = params {
			"Your params: {:#?}",
	} else {
		"Empty params".to_string()

//Async post funtion
fn some_test_post(
	runtime: Handle,
	self_service: Arc<Service>,
	query: Option<&str>)
-> RasResult {
	let query: HashMap<String, Option<String>> = 
		if let Some(query_str) = query {
			match serde_json::from_str(query_str) {
				Ok(query) => query,
				Err(err) => {
					eprintln!("Error! Bad json format: {:?}", err);
					return RasResult::Sync(HttpStatus::BadRequest, None);
		} else {
			return RasResult::Sync(HttpStatus::BadRequest, None);
	let service = self_service.clone();
	RasResult::Async(runtime.spawn(async move {
		let result = format!("You data: {:?}; Resource: {:?}", query, service.some_data);
		(HttpStatus::OK, Some(result))
fn main() {
	let runtime = RasServiceBuilder::<Service>::get_runtime(4);
	let service = runtime.block_on(async {Service::new().await});
	RasServiceBuilder::new(runtime, service)
		.add_get_function("some_test".to_string(), some_test_get)
		.add_post_function("some_test".to_string(), some_test_post)
  	assert_eq!(1, 1);


Additional functions


A thread-safe reference-counting pointer. ‘Arc’ stands for ‘Atomically Reference Counted’.

Collection of Errors from OpenSSL.

Handle to the runtime.

A hash map implemented with quadratic probing and SIMD lookup.

A mutual exclusion primitive useful for protecting shared data

A public or private key.


Http status for result.

A tag type indicating that a key only has public components.

Result for user functions.