Expand description

Levenshtein distance

The Damerau-Levenshtein distance measures the minimum number of operations required to transform one string into another, considering three types of elementary edits: insertions, deletions and substitutions. It does respect triangle inequality, and is thus a metric distance.

It finds use in various applications such as text processing, DNA sequence analysis, and data cleaning

The implementation allows specifying the cost associated with each kind of edit operation:

use rapidfuzz::distance::levenshtein;

// defaults to uniform weights (1, 1, 1)
    levenshtein::distance("kitten".chars(), "sitting".chars())
let weights = levenshtein::WeightTable{
    insertion_cost: 1,
    deletion_cost: 1,
    substitution_cost: 2,


The performance of the implementation depends on the provided weights for edit operations. The three categories are:

  • Uniform levenshtein distance: Weights of (1, 1, 1)
  • Indel distance: Weights of (1, 1, 2)
  • Generic Levenshtein distance: any other weights

The generic levenshtein distance performs significantly worse than the other two especially for long texts.

Uniform Levenshtein distance

The implementation has a runtime complexity of O([K/64]*M) (with K = MAX(N, score_cutoff)) and a memory usage of O(N). It’s based on the paper Explaining and Extending the Bit-parallel Approximate String Matching Algorithm of Myers from Heikki Hyyro

benchmark results

Indel distance

The implementation has a runtime complexity of O([K/64]*M) (with K = MAX(N, score_cutoff)) and a memory usage of O(N). It’s based on the paper Bit-Parallel LCS-length Computation Revisited from Heikki Hyyro

benchmark results

Generic Levenshtein distance

The implementation has a runtime complexity of O(N*M) and a memory usage of O(N). It’s based on the Wagner-Fischer algorithm.

benchmark results


  • One x Many comparisons using the Levenshtein distance
  • Weight table to specify the costs of edit operations in the Levenshtein distance
