[][src]Function randomx4r_sys::randomx_calculate_hash_first

pub unsafe extern "C" fn randomx_calculate_hash_first(
    machine: *mut randomx_vm,
    input: *const c_void,
    inputSize: size_t

Set of functions used to calculate multiple RandomX hashes more efficiently. randomx_calculate_hash_first will begin a hash calculation. randomx_calculate_hash_next will output the hash value of the previous input and begin the calculation of the next hash. randomx_calculate_hash_last will output the hash value of the previous input.

WARNING: These functions may alter the floating point rounding mode of the calling thread.

@param machine is a pointer to a randomx_vm structure. Must not be NULL. @param input is a pointer to memory to be hashed. Must not be NULL. @param inputSize is the number of bytes to be hashed. @param nextInput is a pointer to memory to be hashed for the next hash. Must not be NULL. @param nextInputSize is the number of bytes to be hashed for the next hash. @param output is a pointer to memory where the hash will be stored. Must not be NULL and at least RANDOMX_HASH_SIZE bytes must be available for writing.