[][src]Module random_world::exchangeability

Defines Exchangeability Martingales.

Exchangeability martingales are tools for testing the exchangeability (and i.i.d.) assumption.


extern crate rand;
extern crate statrs;
extern crate ndarray;
extern crate random_world;
extern crate pcg_rand;

use pcg_rand::Pcg32;
use ndarray::prelude::*;
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
use statrs::distribution::{Normal, Distribution};

use random_world::cp::*;
use random_world::ncm::*;
use random_world::exchangeability::*;

// Generate sequence. Trend change after 100 examples.
let seed = [0, 0];
let mut rng = Pcg32::from_seed(seed);
let n = Normal::new(0.0, 1.0).unwrap();
let n_anomaly = Normal::new(40.0, 10.0).unwrap();

let mut data_sequence = (0..100).into_iter()
                            .map(|_| n.sample(&mut rng))
                            .map(|_| n_anomaly.sample(&mut rng)));

// Create a smoothed CP with k-NN nonconformity measure (k=1).
// Note that the CP needs to be smoothed for the method to work.
let seed = [1, 1];
let ncm = KNN::new(1);
let n_labels = 1;
let mut cp = CP::new_smooth(ncm, n_labels, None, Some(seed));

// Create a new Plug-in martingale with `bandwidth=None` (i.e.,
// `bandwidth` will be automatically chosen using Silverman's method).
let mut m = Martingale::new_plugin(Some(0.1));
let y = array![0];          // Arbitrary label for data points.

// Train on first data point.
cp.train(&array![[data_sequence[0]]].view(), &y.view())
  .expect("Failed to train CP");
// Update and evaluate the martingale on the remaining points.
for x in data_sequence.into_iter().skip(1) {
    let p = cp.predict_confidence(&array![[x]].view())
              .expect("Failed to predict")[[0,0]];
    let _ = m.update(p);    // Returns the martingale's value.
    cp.update(&array![[x]].view(), &y.view());



pub use self::martingales::Martingale;



Martingales for exchangeability testing.