Module rand::distributions

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Sampling from random distributions.

This is a generalization of Rand to allow parameters to control the exact properties of the generated values, e.g. the mean and standard deviation of a normal distribution. The Sample trait is the most general, and allows for generating values that change some state internally. The IndependentSample trait is for generating values that do not need to record state.


pub use self::range::Range;
pub use self::gamma::Gamma;
pub use self::gamma::ChiSquared;
pub use self::gamma::FisherF;
pub use self::gamma::StudentT;
pub use self::normal::Normal;
pub use self::normal::LogNormal;
pub use self::exponential::Exp;


The exponential distribution.
The Gamma and derived distributions.
The normal and derived distributions.
Generating numbers between two others.


A wrapper for generating types that implement Rand via the Sample & IndependentSample traits.
A value with a particular weight for use with WeightedChoice.
A distribution that selects from a finite collection of weighted items.


Samples that do not require keeping track of state.
Types that can be used to create a random instance of Support.