Crate rain_viewer

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Rust bindings to the free Rain Viewer API

Provides easy access to satellite-imagery-style precipitation radar imagery for the entire world.


async fn main() {
    //Create requester for issuing requests
    let req = rain_viewer::WeatherRequester::new();
    // Query what data is available
    let maps = req.available().await.unwrap();

    // Pick the first past entry in the past to sample
    let frame = &maps.past_radar[0];

    // Setup the arguments for the tile we want to access
    // Parameters are x, y and zoom following the satellite imagery style
    let mut args = rain_viewer::RequestArguments::new_tile(4, 7, 6).unwrap();
    // Use this pretty color scheme
    // Enable showing snow in addition to rain
    // Smooth out the tile image (looks nicer from tile to tile)

    // Make an API call to get the time image data using our parameters
    let png = req.get_tile(&maps, frame, args)

    //Check for PNG magic to make sure we got an image
    assert_eq!(&png[0..4], &[0x89, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x47]);

[available] is the entry point to obtaining radar imagery. This returns historical data and forecast data that is available.

From there, most users call [get_tile] to download a PNG of a specific satellite tile.



  • The kinds of colors supported by rainviewer All have different visual attributes. See for more information
  • The error type for this library. Wraps api errors and error types from downstream crates
  • Indicates that an invalid parameter was passed to a library function Each variant contains the offending value and a string error message