Crate ragequit

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Gracefully shut down a process

ragequit provides a set of utilities to gracefully shut down a process. It is primarily targeted at server processes, but may have other applications as well.


The global SHUTDOWN instance is used to signal shutdown events and handle them gracefully by creating ShutdownListeners.

use ragequit::{init, SHUTDOWN};

async fn main() {
    // Install default system signal handlers.

    let listener = SHUTDOWN.listen();
    tokio::spawn(async move {
        // Wait for the shutdown signal.
        (&mut listener).await;

        // Drop the listener, allowing the main process to exit.

    // Wait for a shutdown signal and for all listeners to be dropped.

Call init once during the start of the process to install the default system signal handlers. Alternatively you can install system signal handlers yourself.

Example for *nix systems

use core::ffi::c_int;

use nix::sys::signal::{sigaction, SaFlags, SigAction, SigHandler, SigSet, Signal};
use ragequit::SHUTDOWN;

let action = SigAction::new(SigHandler::Handler(quit), SaFlags::empty(), SigSet::empty());

unsafe {
    let _ = sigaction(Signal::SIGINT, &action);
    let _ = sigaction(Signal::SIGTERM, &action);

extern "C" fn quit(_: c_int) {

Tokio dependency

ragequit depends on tokio only for synchronization primitives. It does not depend on the tokio runtime. ragequit works in any asynchronous runtime.


A group of ShutdownListeners waiting for a shutdown signal.
A future and RAII structure waiting for a shutdown signal.
A future that completes once a shutdown signal has been received and all ShutdownListeners have been dropped.


The global Shutdown instance.


Initializes the global SHUTDOWN instance by installing system signal handlers.