macro_rules! declare_render_feature_flag {
    ($struct_name:ident, $atomic_constant_name:ident) => { ... };
Expand description

Use to declare a new render feature flag that can be registered. Registration allows easy global access to the render feature flag index from anywhere in the binary

Each RenderView contains a bitmask of supported feature flags. The supported feature flags can be queried or changed at run-time allowing features to provide custom behavior on a per-view basis depending on the state of the RenderView’s feature flags.

Use like this: rafx::declare_render_feature_flag!(MeshBasicUnlitRenderFeatureFlag, MESH_UNLIT_FLAG_INDEX);

The first name is all that really matters, the second name just needs to be a constant that is exposed via the first name (i.e. MeshBasicUnlitRenderFeatureFlag::feature_flag_index())