Macro rafx_framework::declare_render_feature[][src]

macro_rules! declare_render_feature {
    ($struct_name:ident, $atomic_constant_name:ident) => { ... };

Use to declare a new render feature that can be registered. Registration allows easy global access to the render feature index from anywhere in the binary

Use like this: rafx::declare_render_feature!(Debug3DRenderFeature, DEBUG_3D_RENDER_FEATURE);

The first name is all that really matters, the second name just needs to be a constant that is exposed via the first name (i.e. Debug3DRenderFeature::feature_index())

This macro will also define the following helper functions in the same scope.

  • render_feature_index(): Syntactic sugar for Debug3DRenderFeature::feature_index().
  • render_feature_debug_name(): Syntactic sugar for Debug3DRenderFeature::feature_debug_name().
  • RenderFeatureType: Syntactic sugar for Debug3DRenderFeature.
  • EXTRACT_SCOPE_NAME: Syntactic sugar for &'static str in the form Debug3DRenderFeature extract.
  • [...]_SCOPE_NAME: The same as EXTRACT_SCOPE_NAME for other supported job entry points.