Crate ractor_actors

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Helpful utility actors built on top of ractor.

§What actors are available?

There are multiple actors and more will follow as time progresses, however at the time of this writing this crate includes

  1. Basic TCP functionality (net)
  2. Filewatcher (filewatcher)
  3. Cron job management (time)
  4. Stream processing (infinite/finite loop/stream processing, stream multiplexing, etc) (streams)

NOTE: This crate is still a work-in-progress and more functionality will be added as time progresses

§Crate organization

The crate is organized into sub-modules gated with features. This way you can include as much or as little of the functionality that you might want.

Each module should be self-documenting, and this root lib will likely contain little information in favor of module-specific documentation.


ractor_actors = "0.1"


  • A FileWatcher actor which monitors for specific paths notifying of changes. This watcher requires the use of the notify crate to monitor the host filesystem for changes.
  • Network related functionality built on ractor
  • Streaming utilities built off of ractor actors. This includes building a looped operation (see looping) and actors which process streams (see: pump and mux).
  • Synchronization primative actors. Contained is
  • Time/timer related functionality built on ractor