Module ractor::actor

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This module contains the basic building blocks of an actor.

They are: Actor: The behavior definition for an actor’s internal processing logic + state management ActorRuntime: Management structure processing the message handler, signals, and supervision events in a loop

§Actor Supervision

Supervision is a special notion of “ownership” over actors by a parent (supervisor). Supervisors are responsible for the lifecycle of a child actor such that they get notified when a child actor starts, stops, or panics (when possible). The supervisor can then decide how to handle the event. Should it restart the actor, leave it dead, potentially die itself notifying the supervisor’s supervisor? That’s up to the implementation of the super::Actor

This is currently an initial implementation of Erlang supervisors

An example supervision tree may look like:

├─ Actor A/
│  ├─ Actor A_1/
│  ├─ Actor A_2/
├─ Actor B/
├─ Actor C/
│  ├─ Actor C_1/
│  │  ├─ Actor C_1_1/
│  │  │  ├─ Actor C_1_1_1/

To link actors together in the supervision tree, there are 2 choices.

  1. Actor::spawn_linked which requires supplying the supervisor to the actor upon spawning a child. This call will link the supervision tree as early as possible in the lifecycle of the actors, such that a failure or panic in post_start will be captured and notify the supervisor
  2. ActorCell::link will link actors together after-the-fact, once already spawned. This is helpful for actors which are originally created independently but have some latent relationship to each other. However due to startup routines and asynchronous processing, it’s unlikely that failures in post_start and any other asynchronous handling will be captured in the supervision tree.

§Handling panics

Another point to consider in actor frameworks are panic!s. The actor runtime captures and transforms a panic in an actor into the string message equivalent upon exit. However the traditional panic will still log to stderr for tracing. You can additionally setup a panic hook to do things like capturing backtraces on the unwinding panic.


  • ActorCell is reference counted actor which can be passed around as needed
  • This module handles everything around actor id’s. In the event you have a remote actor, the actor’s ID will denote not only the actor’s instance id, but the id of the remote node the actor is running on.
  • ActorRef is a strongly-typed wrapper over an ActorCell
  • Messages which are built-in for ractor’s processing routines



  • Actor defines the behavior of an Actor. It specifies the Message type, State type, and all processing logic for the actor