[][src]Macro r3_portkit::pp_asm

pub macro pp_asm {
        unprocessed: [{ , $($unprocessed:tt)* }],
        code: [{ $($code:tt)* }],
    ) => { ... },
        unprocessed: [{}],
        code: [{ $($code:tt)* }],
    ) => { ... },
        unprocessed: [{ $fragment:tt $($unprocessed:tt)* }],
        code: [{ $($code:tt)* }],
    ) => { ... },
        unprocessed: [{ $($unprocessed:tt)* }],
        code: [{ $($code:tt)* }],
    ) => { ... },
        // TODO: remove `$l:lit`
        $l:literal $($rest:tt)*
    ) => { ... },

Preprocessed asm!.



#[macro_export]  // work-around for mysterious macro hygienics behavior
macro_rules! the_ultimate_answer { () => { "42" }; }

// miri doesn't support inline assembly
unsafe {
    let output: usize;
        // The input fragments are simply concatenated. This means `mov`
        // would be part of this line comment if it didn't include a line
        // break.
        "# hoge \n"
        if cfg!(target_arch = "x86_64") {
            "mov {}, " crate::the_ultimate_answer!()
        if cfg!(any(target_arch = "aarch64", target_arch = "arm")) {
            "mov {}, #" crate::the_ultimate_answer!()
        if cfg!(any(target_arch = "riscv32", target_arch = "riscv64")) {
            "li {}, " crate::the_ultimate_answer!()
        out(reg) output
    assert_eq!(output.to_string(), crate::the_ultimate_answer!());