[][src]Macro r3_port_riscv::use_timer

macro_rules! use_timer {
    (unsafe impl PortTimer for $ty:ty) => { ... };

Attach the implementation of PortTimer that is based on the RISC-V timer (mtime/mtimecfg) to a given system type. This macro also implements Timer on the system type. Requires TimerOptions.

You should do the following:

  • Implement TimerOptions on the system type $ty.
  • Call $ty::configure_timer() in your configuration function. See the following example.
This example is not tested
r3_port_riscv::use_timer!(unsafe impl PortTimer for System);

impl r3_port_riscv::TimerOptions for System {
    const MTIME_PTR: usize = 0x1001_1000;
    const MTIMECMP_PTR: usize = 0x1001_1000;
    const FREQUENCY: u64 = 1_000_000;

const fn configure_app(b: &mut CfgBuilder<System>) -> Objects {
    /* ... */


  • TimerOptions must be configured correctly.