[−][src]Crate r1cs
This is a rust library for building R1CS gadgets over prime fields, which are useful in SNARKs and other argument systems.
See the readme for more information and examples.
pub use num; |
binary_unsigned_values | Creates an instance of |
boolean_values | Creates an instance of |
values | Creates an instance of |
BinaryExpression | A |
BinaryWire | A "binary wire" which is comprised of several bits, each one being a boolean wire. |
Bls12_381 | The BLS12-381 curve. |
Bn128 | The BN128 curve. |
BooleanExpression | An |
BooleanWire | A |
Constraint | An rank-1 constraint of the form a * b = c, where a, b, and c are linear combinations of wires. |
DaviesMeyer | The additive variant of Davies-Meyer, which creates a one-way compression function from a block cipher. |
EdwardsPoint | An embedded Edwards curve point defined over the same base field as the constraint system, with affine coordinates as elements. |
EdwardsPointExpression | An embedded Edwards curve point defined over the same base field as the field used in the constraint system, with affine coordinates as expressions. |
Element | An element of a prime field. |
ElementMatrix | A matrix of prime field elements. |
Expression | A linear combination of wires. |
Gadget | An R1CS gadget. |
GadgetBuilder | |
InversePermutation | The permutation |
JubJub | |
LCG | A simple linear congruential generator, with parameters taken from Numerical Recipes. |
MdsMatrix | A Maximum Distance Separable matrix. |
MerkleDamgard | A hash function based on the Merkle–Damgård construction. |
MerklePath | The path from a leaf to the root of a binary Merkle tree. |
MiMCBlockCipher | The MiMC block cipher. |
MiMCPermutation | The MiMC permutation, which is equivalent to MiMC encryption with a key of zero. |
MiyaguchiPreneel | The additive variant of Miyaguchi-Preneel, which creates a one-way compression function from a block cipher. |
MonomialPermutation | The permutation |
MontgomeryPointExpression | An embedded Montgomery curve point defined over the same base field as the field used in the constraint system, with affine coordinates as expressions. |
NumberOfRounds | The number of full and partial rounds to use in an instance of Poseidon. |
Poseidon | The Poseidon permutation. |
PoseidonBuilder | Builds a |
ProjWeierstrassPointExpression | An embedded Weierstrass curve point defined over the same base field as the field used in the constraint system, with projective coordinates as expressions. |
Rescue | The Rescue permutation. |
RescueBuilder | Builds a |
Sponge | A sponge function. |
WeierstrassPointExpression | An embedded Weierstrass curve point defined over the same base field as the field used in the constraint system, with affine coordinates as expressions. |
Wire | A wire represents a witness element. |
WireValues | An assignment of wire values, where each value is an element of the field |
WitnessGenerator | Generates some elements of the witness. |
PoseidonSbox | An S-Box that can be used with Poseidon. |
BlockCipher | A symmetric-key block cipher. |
CompressionFunction | A function which compresses two field elements into one, and is intended to be one-way. |
Curve | |
CurvePoint | |
EdwardsCurve | An embedded twisted Edwards curve defined over the same base field as the field used in the constraint system |
Field | A prime order field. |
HashFunction | A function which hashes a sequence of field elements, outputting a single field element. |
MultiPermutation | A permutation whose inputs and outputs consist of multiple field elements. |
Permutation | A permutation of single field elements. |