Macro quicli::main [] [src]

macro_rules! main {
    (|$args:ident: $cli:ty, log_level: $verbosity:ident| $body:expr) => { ... };
    (|$args:ident: $cli:ty| $body:expr) => { ... };
    (|| $body:expr) => { ... };
    ($body:expr) => { ... };

Quickly get a good main function

Inside the block, you can write code using ?. An Ok(()) will automatically be appended. The macro will also set up logging (using env_logger) automatically.


You can optionally call this macro with a closure-like syntax to get some default bindings:

  • main!(|args: Cli| { ... }): Automatically parses command line flags into a struct Cli and binds it to args. (Basically, it prepends let args = Cli::from_args();).
  • main!(|args: Cli, log_level: verbosity| { ... }): The log level will depend on the integer value of the verbosity field of args (error = 0, warn = 1, info = 2, debug = 3, trace = ≥4). The field's type should be u64, so structopt will automatically give you its number of occurances.


Be careful when using this code, it's not being tested!
#[macro_use] extern crate quicli;
use quicli::prelude::*;

    let x = read_file(".gitignore")?;
    println!("{}", x);