[][src]Crate quicksilver


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A 2D game framework written in pure Rust, for both the Web and Desktop

A quick example

Create a rust project and add this line to your Cargo.toml file under [dependencies]:

    quicksilver = "*"

Then replace src/main.rs with the following (the contents of quicksilver's examples/draw-geometry.rs):

// Draw some multi-colored geometry to the screen
extern crate quicksilver;
use quicksilver::{
    geom::{Circle, Line, Rectangle, Transform, Triangle, Vector},
    graphics::{Background::Col, Color},
    lifecycle::{Settings, State, Window, run},
struct DrawGeometry;
impl State for DrawGeometry {
    fn new() -> Result<DrawGeometry> {
    fn draw(&mut self, window: &mut Window) -> Result<()> {
        window.draw(&Rectangle::new((100, 100), (32, 32)), Col(Color::BLUE));
        window.draw_ex(&Rectangle::new((400, 300), (32, 32)), Col(Color::BLUE), Transform::rotate(45), 10);
        window.draw(&Circle::new((400, 300), 100), Col(Color::GREEN));
            &Line::new((50, 80),(600, 450)).with_thickness(2.0),
            &Triangle::new((500, 50), (450, 100), (650, 150)),
            Transform::rotate(45) * Transform::scale((0.5, 0.5)),
fn main() {
    run::<DrawGeometry>("Draw Geometry", Vector::new(800, 600), Settings::default());

Run this with cargo run or, if you have the wasm32 toolchain installed, you can build for the web //! //! //! (instructions below).

Learning Quicksilver

A good way to get started with Quicksilver is to [read and run the examples](https://github.com/ryanisaacg///! quicksilver/tree/master/examples) and go through the tutorial modules on docs.rs. If you have any question, feel free to hop onto Gitter or open an issue.

Building and Deploying a Quicksilver application

Quicksilver should always compile and run on the latest stable version of Rust, for both web and desktop.

Make sure to put all your assets in a top-level folder of your crate called static/. All Quicksilver file //! loading-APIs will expect paths that originate in the static folder, so static/image.png should be //! //! referenced as image.png.

Linux dependencies

On Windows and Mac, all you'll need to build Quicksilver is a recent stable version of rustc and cargo. A //! few of Quicksilver's dependencies require Linux packages to build, namely libudev, zlib, and alsa. To //! install these on Ubuntu or Debian, run the command sudo apt install libudev-dev zlib1g-dev alsa //! //! //! libasound2-dev.

Deploying for desktop

If you're deploying for desktop platforms, build in release mode (cargo build --release) and copy the executable file produced (found at "target/release/") and any assets you used (image files etc) and create an archive (on Windows a zip file, on Unix a tar file). You should be able to distribute this archive with no problems; if there are any, please open an issue.

Deploying for the web

If you're deploying for the web, first make sure you've [installed the cargo web tool](https://github.com///! //! koute/cargo-web). Then use the cargo web deploy to build your application for distribution (located //! at target/deploy).

If you want to test your application locally, use cargo web start and open your favorite browser to the //! //! port it provides.

Optional Features

Quicksilver by default tries to provide all features a 2D application may need, but not all applications need //! these features. The optional features available are collision support (via ncollide2d), font support (via rusttype), gamepad support (via gilrs), saving (via serde_json), complex shape / svg rendering (via lyon), immediate-mode GUIs (via immi), and sounds (via rodio).

Each are enabled by default, but you can [specify which features](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference///! specifying-dependencies.html#choosing-features) you actually want to use.

Supported Platforms

The engine is supported on Windows, macOS, Linux, and the web via WebAssembly. The web is only supported via the wasm32-unknown-unknown Rust target, not through emscripten. It might work with emscripten but this is not an ongoing guarantee.

Mobile support would be a future possibility, but likely only through external contributions.


pub use lyon;





A 2D geometry module


A module to draw 2D graphics in a window It also includes image loading


A collection of polling input structures


The module that manages control flow of Quicksilver applications


A collection of common imports for convenience


A module for saving / loading application data


A sound API that allows playing clips at given volumes


The quicksilver tutorials, generated through Rustdoc



An error generated by some Quicksilver subsystem



Trait for types which are a placeholder of a value that may become available at some later point in time.



Create a Future that loads a file into an owned Vec of bytes

Type Definitions


A Result that returns either success or a Quicksilver Error