[][src]Crate quadtree_rs

A point/region Quadtree with support for overlapping regions.

Quick Start

use quadtree_rs::{area::AreaBuilder, point::Point, Quadtree};

// Instantiate a new quadtree which associates String values with u64 coordinates.
let mut qt = Quadtree::<u64, String>::new(/*depth=*/4);

// A depth of four means a square with width (and height) 2^4.
assert_eq!(qt.width(), 16);

// Associate the value "foo" with a rectangle of size 2x1, anchored at (0, 0).
let region_a = AreaBuilder::default()
    .anchor(Point {x: 0, y: 0})
    .dimensions((2, 1))
qt.insert(region_a, "foo".to_string());

// Query over a region of size 2x2, anchored at (1, 0).
let region_b = AreaBuilder::default()
    .anchor(Point {x: 1, y: 0})
    .dimensions((2, 2))
let mut query = qt.query(region_b);

// The query region (region_b) intersects the region "foo" is associated with (region_a), so the query iterator returns "foo" by reference.
assert_eq!(query.next().unwrap().value_ref(), "foo");


use quadtree_rs::{area::AreaBuilder, point::Point, Quadtree};

let mut qt = Quadtree::<u8, char>::new(2);

// In a quadtree, every region is (lazily) subdivided into subqudrants.

// Associating a value with a point, which is represented by a region with dimensions 1x1, means traversing the full height of the quadtree.
qt.insert_pt(Point {x: 0, y: 0}, 'a');

// (0,0)->4x4                +---+---+---+---+
//   (0,0)->2x2              | a |   |       |
//     (0,0)->1x1 ['a']      +---+   +       +
//                           |       |       |
//                           +---+---+---+---+
//                           |       |       |
//                           +       +       +
//                           |       |       |
//                           +---+---+---+---+

// Often inserting a large region requires traversing only as far down as necessary to fully cover that region.
let region_b = AreaBuilder::default()
    .anchor(Point {x: 0, y: 0})
    .dimensions((2, 2))
qt.insert(region_b, 'b');

// (0,0)->4x4                +---+---+---+---+
//   (0,0)->2x2 ['b']        | a |   |       |
//     (0,0)->1x1 ['a']      +---+   +       +
//                           |     b |       |
//                           +---+---+---+---+
//                           |       |       |
//                           +       +       +
//                           |       |       |
//                           +---+---+---+---+

// If a region cannot be represented by one node in the tree, a handle type is inserted in multiple places.
let region_c = AreaBuilder::default()
    .anchor(Point {x: 0, y: 0})
    .dimensions((3, 3))
qt.insert(region_c, 'c');

// (0,0)->4x4                +---+---+---+---+
//   (0,0)->2x2 ['b', 'c']   | a |   | c |   |
//     (0,0)->1x1 ['a']      +---+   +---+---+
//   (0,2)->2x2              |   b,c | c |   |
//     (0,2)->1x1 ['c']      +---+---+---+---+
//     (1,2)->1x1 ['c']      | c | c | c |   |
//   (2,0)->2x2              +---+---+---+---+
//     (2,0)->1x1 ['c']      |   |   |   |   |
//     (2,1)->1x1 ['c']      +---+---+---+---+
//   (2,2)->2x2
//     (2,2)->1x1 ['c']

Duplicating the storage handle allows for fast lookup and insertion at the cost of slow deletion. quadtree_rs is well-suited for scenarios with low churn but frequent read access.


For further usage details, see the documentations for the Quadtree struct.



A rectangular region in the tree.


A view into a single entry in the Quadtree.


A point region in the tree.



A data structure for storing and accessing data in 2d space.