[][src]Crate qtpl

Templates in your Rust code.

This library allows you to write HTML templates, using the power of macros, mixed in with your Rust code. This allows you to use normal Rust code for the logic, and embed template code along side it.


  1. Basics
  2. Rendering
  3. Escaping
  4. Returning Errors
  5. Whitespace


The most basic template is this:

use qtpl::{tplfn, tpl};

fn hello(name: &str) {
    tpl! {Hello, <strong>{name}</strong>!}

There are a few things going on here -- first, we're adding the #[tlpfn] attribute to our template function. This makes it possible to use this function as a template. Second, we're using the tpl! macro inside the body and embedding some textual content. Lastly, we're putting the variable name inside another block.


Fundamentally rendering happens to something that implements std::io::Write. This means you could potentially write directly to a socket. Usually you'll buffer the content entirely, or use a buffered writer at the least.

To a File

let mut file = std::fs::File::create("/tmp/qtpl.txt")?;
hello(&mut file, "world")?;

To a Vec<u8>

let mut out = vec![];
hello(&mut out, "world")?;
assert_eq!(out, b"Hello, <strong>world</strong>!");

To a String for Testing

Purely as a convinience, a render_string! macro is provided which panics on errors, and returns a String. Remember, this is useful for testing and documentation, but you shouldn't be using this in production code, because it involves unnecessary copies and conversions.

assert_eq!(render_string!(hello("world")), "Hello, <strong>world</strong>!");


The default escaping used by the library is geared towards HTML. Using the same example above:

assert_eq!(render_string!(hello("<world>")), "Hello, <strong>&lt;world&gt;</strong>!");

Returning Errors

The #[tplfn] attribute will add a return type of std::io::Result<()>, but only if one isn't present. You can customize the return type and take control of the errors being returned. The only requirement is that std::io::Error types can be converted into that error using the usual process.

A contrived but real example:

type BoxError = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>;

fn answer(a: &str) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
    let a: i8 = a.parse()?;
    tpl! {{&a.to_string()}}

assert_eq!(render_string!(answer("42")), "42");

let mut w = vec![];
match answer(&mut w, "not a number") {
    Result::Err(err) => {
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", err), "invalid digit found in string");
    _ => panic!("expected an error"),


The library takes an opinionated stance on whitespace. The rules are as follows:

  • Whitespace at the begining of the template is stripped.
  • Whitespace at the end of the template is stripped.
  • Whitespace around a whitelisted set of elements, where it should be insignificant is stripped.
  • All whitespace, including newlines is collapsed into a single space.
  • Rules only apply to template text, contents of varibles are not modified.

This example shows all the rules in action, including how certain tags behave differently, and how multiple spaces including newlines are collapsed:

fn home() {
    tpl! {
            <a>Go <i class="icon">   </i></a>
            <a>{"   "}</a>

        r#"<a>Go <i class="icon"> </i></a>"#,
        " ",
        "<a>   </a>",

Note how the space inside and around the <i> tag is preserved, but the space around the <div> tag is stripped. Also notice how the multiple spaces inside the <i> are collapsed into a single space.



Attribute Macros
