Crate qsu

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qsu is a set of tools for integrating a server application against a service subsystem (such as Windows Services, systemd, or launchd).

It offers a thin runtime wrapper layer with the purpose of abstracting away differences between service subsystems (and also provides the same interface when running the server application as a foreground process). More information about the wrapper runtime can be found in the rt module documentation.

In addition qsu offers helper functions to register/deregister an executable with the system’s service subsystem. These are documented installer module.

And finally it offers an argument parser to offer basic service registration/deregistration and running using a consistent command line interface. These are documented in the argp module.


clapEnable clap (argument parser) integration.
installerTools for registering/deregistering services.
rtService wrapper (enabled by default).
systemdsystemd integration support.
tokioTokio server application type support.
rocketRocket server application type support.

In addition there’s a special wait-for-debugger feature that is only used on Windows. It will make the service runtime halt and wait for a debugger to attach just before starting the Windows Service runtime. Once a debugger has attached, it will voluntarily trigger a breakpoint.



  • argpclap
    Helpers for integrating clap into an application using qsu.
  • installerinstaller
    Helpers for installing/uninstalling services.
  • rtrt
    Server application wrapper runtime.



  • CbErrrt or installer
    Errors that can be returned from functions that call application callbacks.
  • Errors that qsu will return to application.


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