Crate qread

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qread adds shortcut functionality to anything that implements the std::io::Read or std::io::BufRead traits to make certain read operations more ergonomic by handling allocation of a buffer for you. Specifically, Read implementors get two new methods:

  • read_all_to_bytes, which calls .read_to_end() on the object and returns the vector of bytes gotten from reading the object.
  • read_all_to_string, which calls .read_to_string() on the object and returns the string created.

Likewise, ReadBuf implementors also get two new methods:

  • read_until_to_bytes, which calls .read_until() on the object and returns the vector of bytes gotten from the object.
  • read_line_to_string which calls .read_line() on the object and returns the line as a string (note that it will include the newline).


Using read_all_to_bytes and read_all_to_string to read the full contents of a file as a vector of bytes or a string, respectively, is very straightforward. Note that these are both members of the QRead trait, so that trait must be brought into scope to use these methods.

use std::fs::File;
use qread::QRead;
// This assumes that we have a file `demo.bin` in the current directory
let mut f1 = File::open("demo.bin").unwrap();
let data = f1.read_all_to_bytes().unwrap();
// This assumes that we have a file `demo.txt` in the current directory
let mut f2 = File::open("demo.txt").unwrap();
let text = f2.read_all_to_string().unwrap();

Likewise, the read_until_to_bytes and read_line_to_string methods are also straightforward, provided that the QBufRead trait is in scope.

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufReader;
use qread::QBufRead;
// This assumes that we have a file `demo.bin` in the current directory
let mut f1 = BufReader::new(File::open("demo.bin").unwrap());
// Read up to the first instance of byte = 97 (a lowercase ASCII "a")
let data = f1.read_until_to_bytes(97).unwrap();
// This assumes that we have a file `demo.txt` in the current directory
let mut f2 = BufReader::new(File::open("demo.txt").unwrap());
let text = f2.read_line_to_string().unwrap();

Implementing QRead and QBufRead

You should not need to implement these traits on your own custom objects. Instead, implement Read and BufRead, respectively. Because QRead and QBufRead have blanket implementations for any types implementing Read and BufRead, respectively, implementing the latter traits automatically grants the former.


  • Trait for implementing ergonomic reads of buffered file content
  • Trait for implementing ergonomic reads of full file content