var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["qrcode"] = {"doc":"QRCode encoder","items":[[3,"QrCode","qrcode","The encoded QR code symbol.",null,null],[0,"types","","",null,null],[4,"QrError","qrcode::types","`QrError` encodes the error encountered when generating a QR code.",null,null],[13,"DataTooLong","","The data is too long to encode into a QR code for the given version.",0,null],[13,"InvalidVersion","","The provided version / error correction level combination is invalid.",0,null],[13,"UnsupportedCharacterSet","","Some characters in the data cannot be supported by the provided QR code\nversion.",0,null],[13,"InvalidEciDesignator","","The provided ECI designator is invalid. A valid designator should be\nbetween 0 and 999999.",0,null],[13,"InvalidCharacter","","A character not belonging to the character set is found.",0,null],[4,"EcLevel","","The error correction level. It allows the original information be recovered\neven if parts of the code is damaged.",null,null],[13,"L","","Low error correction. Allows up to 7% of wrong blocks.",1,null],[13,"M","","Medium error correction (default). Allows up to 15% of wrong blocks.",1,null],[13,"Q","",""Quartile" error correction. Allows up to 25% of wrong blocks.",1,null],[13,"H","","High error correction. Allows up to 30% of wrong blocks.",1,null],[4,"Version","","In QR code terminology, `Version` means the size of the generated image.\nLarger version means the size of code is larger, and therefore can carry\nmore information.",null,null],[13,"Normal","","A normal QR code version. The parameter should be between 1 and 40.",2,null],[13,"Micro","","A Micro QR code version. The parameter should be between 1 and 4.",2,null],[4,"Mode","","The mode indicator, which specifies the character set of the encoded data.",null,null],[13,"Numeric","","The data contains only characters 0 to 9.",3,null],[13,"Alphanumeric","","The data contains only uppercase letters (A–Z), numbers (0–9) and a few\npunctuations marks (space, `$`, `%`, `*`, `+`, `-`, `.`, `/`, `:`).",3,null],[13,"Byte","","The data contains arbitrary binary data.",3,null],[13,"Kanji","","The data contains Shift-JIS-encoded double-byte text.",3,null],[6,"QrResult","","`QrResult` is a convenient alias for a QR code generation result.",null,null],[11,"clone","","",0,null],[11,"eq","","",0,null],[11,"fmt","","",0,null],[11,"fmt","","",0,null],[11,"cmp","","",1,null],[11,"partial_cmp","","",1,null],[11,"clone","","",1,null],[11,"eq","","",1,null],[11,"fmt","","",1,null],[11,"clone","","",2,null],[11,"eq","","",2,null],[11,"ne","","",2,null],[11,"fmt","","",2,null],[11,"width","","Get the number of "modules" on each size of the QR code, i.e. the width\nand height of the code.",2,null],[11,"fetch","","Obtains an object from a hard-coded table.",2,null],[11,"mode_bits_count","","The number of bits needed to encode the mode indicator.",2,null],[11,"is_micro","","Checks whether is version refers to a Micro QR code.",2,null],[11,"clone","","",3,null],[11,"eq","","",3,null],[11,"fmt","","",3,null],[11,"length_bits_count","","Computes the number of bits needed to encode the data length.",3,null],[11,"data_bits_count","","Computes the number of bits needed to some data of a given raw length.",3,null],[11,"max","","Find the lowest common mode which both modes are compatible with.",3,null],[11,"partial_cmp","","Defines a partial ordering between modes. If `a <= b`, then `b` contains\na superset of all characters supported by `a`.",3,null],[0,"bits","qrcode","The `bits` module encodes binary data into raw bits used in a QR code.",null,null],[3,"Bits","qrcode::bits","The `Bits` structure stores the encoded data for a QR code.",null,null],[4,"ExtendedMode","","An "extended" mode indicator, includes all indicators supported by QR code\nbeyond those bearing data.",null,null],[13,"Eci","","ECI mode indicator, to introduce an ECI designator.",4,null],[13,"Data","","The normal mode to introduce data.",4,null],[13,"Fnc1First","","FNC-1 mode in the first position.",4,null],[13,"Fnc1Second","","FNC-1 mode in the second position.",4,null],[13,"StructuredAppend","","Structured append.",4,null],[5,"encode_auto","","Automatically determines the minimum version to store the data, and encode\nthe result.",null,null],[11,"new","","Constructs a new, empty bits structure.",5,{"inputs":[{"name":"version"}],"output":{"name":"bits"}}],[11,"into_bytes","","Convert the bits into a bytes vector.",5,null],[11,"len","","Total number of bits.",5,null],[11,"version","","Version of the QR code.",5,null],[11,"clone","","",4,null],[11,"push_mode_indicator","","Push the mode indicator to the end of the bits.",5,null],[11,"push_eci_designator","","Push an ECI (Extended Channel Interpretation) designator to the bits.",5,null],[11,"push_numeric_data","","Encodes a numeric string to the bits.",5,null],[11,"push_alphanumeric_data","","Encodes an alphanumeric string to the bits.",5,null],[11,"push_byte_data","","Encodes 8-bit byte data to the bits.",5,null],[11,"push_kanji_data","","Encodes Shift JIS double-byte data to the bits.",5,null],[11,"push_fnc1_first_position","","Encodes an indicator that the following data are formatted according to\nthe UCC/EAN Application Identifiers standard.",5,null],[11,"push_fnc1_second_position","","Encodes an indicator that the following data are formatted in accordance\nwith specific industry or application specifications previously agreed\nwith AIM International.",5,null],[11,"push_terminator","","Pushes the ending bits to indicate no more data.",5,null],[11,"push_segments","","Push a segmented data to the bits, and then terminate it.",5,null],[11,"push_optimal_data","","Pushes the data the bits, using the optimal encoding.",5,null],[0,"optimize","qrcode","Find the optimal data mode sequence to encode a piece of data.",null,null],[3,"Segment","qrcode::optimize","A segment of data committed to an encoding mode.",null,null],[12,"mode","","The encoding mode of the segment of data.",6,null],[12,"begin","","The start index of the segment.",6,null],[12,"end","","The end index (exclusive) of the segment.",6,null],[3,"Parser","","QR code data parser to classify the input into distinct segments.",null,null],[3,"Optimizer","","",null,null],[5,"total_encoded_len","","Computes the total encoded length of all segments.",null,null],[11,"clone","","",6,null],[11,"fmt","","",6,null],[11,"eq","","",6,null],[11,"ne","","",6,null],[11,"encoded_len","","Compute the number of bits (including the size of the mode indicator and\nlength bits) when this segment is encoded.",6,null],[11,"new","","Creates a new iterator which parse the data into segments that only\ncontains their exclusive subsets. No optimization is done at this point.",7,null],[11,"next","","",7,null],[11,"new","","Optimize the segments by combining adjacent segments when possible.",8,{"inputs":[{"name":"i"},{"name":"version"}],"output":{"name":"optimizer"}}],[11,"optimize","","",7,null],[11,"next","","",8,null],[0,"ec","qrcode","The `ec` module applies the Reed-Solomon error correction codes.",null,null],[5,"create_error_correction_code","qrcode::ec","Creates the error correction code in N bytes.",null,null],[5,"construct_codewords","","Constructs data and error correction codewords ready to be put in the QR\ncode matrix.",null,null],[5,"max_allowed_errors","","Computes the maximum allowed number of erratic modules can be introduced to\nthe QR code, before the data becomes truly corrupted.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"version"},{"name":"eclevel"}],"output":{"name":"qrresult"}}],[0,"canvas","qrcode","The `canvas` module puts raw bits into the QR code canvas.",null,null],[3,"Canvas","qrcode::canvas","`Canvas` is an intermediate helper structure to render error-corrected data\ninto a QR code.",null,null],[4,"Module","","The color of a module (pixel) in the QR code.",null,null],[13,"Empty","","The module is empty.",9,null],[13,"Light","","The module is light (white), and cannot be masked. This mainly refers to\nmodules of functional patterns.",9,null],[13,"Dark","","The module is dark (black), and cannot be masked. This mainly refers to\nmodules of functional patterns.",9,null],[13,"LightUnmasked","","The module is light (white), but not yet masked. This mainly refers to\nmodules of data and error correction bits before masking.",9,null],[13,"DarkUnmasked","","The module is dark (black), but not yet masked. This mainly refers to\nmodules of data and error correction bits before masking.",9,null],[4,"MaskPattern","","The mask patterns. Since QR code and Micro QR code do not use the same\npattern number, we name them according to their shape instead of the number.",null,null],[13,"Checkerboard","","QR code pattern 000: `(x + y) % 2 == 0`.",10,null],[13,"HorizontalLines","","QR code pattern 001: `y % 2 == 0`.",10,null],[13,"VerticalLines","","QR code pattern 010: `x % 3 == 0`.",10,null],[13,"DiagonalLines","","QR code pattern 011: `(x + y) % 3 == 0`.",10,null],[13,"LargeCheckerboard","","QR code pattern 100: `((x/3) + (y/2)) % 2 == 0`.",10,null],[13,"Fields","","QR code pattern 101: `(x*y)%2 + (x*y)%3 == 0`.",10,null],[13,"Diamonds","","QR code pattern 110: `((x*y)%2 + (x*y)%3) % 2 == 0`.",10,null],[13,"Meadow","","QR code pattern 111: `((x+y)%2 + (x*y)%3) % 2 == 0`.",10,null],[5,"is_functional","","Gets whether the module at the given coordinates represents a functional\nmodule.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"version"},{"name":"i16"},{"name":"i16"},{"name":"i16"}],"output":{"name":"bool"}}],[11,"fmt","","",9,null],[11,"clone","","",9,null],[11,"eq","","",9,null],[11,"is_dark","","Checks whether a module is dark.",9,null],[11,"mask","","Apply a mask to the unmasked modules.",9,null],[11,"clone","","",11,null],[11,"new","","Constructs a new canvas big enough for a QR code of the given version.",11,{"inputs":[{"name":"version"},{"name":"eclevel"}],"output":{"name":"canvas"}}],[11,"get","","Obtains a module at the given coordinates. For convenience, negative\ncoordinates will wrap around.",11,null],[11,"get_mut","","Obtains a mutable module at the given coordinates. For convenience,\nnegative coordinates will wrap around.",11,null],[11,"put","","Sets the color of a module at the given coordinates. For convenience,\nnegative coordinates will wrap around.",11,null],[11,"draw_all_functional_patterns","","Draw all functional patterns, before data placement.",11,null],[11,"draw_data","","Draws the encoded data and error correction codes to the empty modules.",11,null],[11,"clone","","",10,null],[11,"fmt","","",10,null],[11,"apply_mask","","Applies a mask to the canvas. This method will also draw the format info\npatterns.",11,null],[11,"apply_best_mask","","Construct a new canvas and apply the best masking that gives the lowest\npenalty score.",11,null],[11,"to_bools","","Convert the modules into a vector of booleans.",11,null],[11,"clone","qrcode","",12,null],[11,"new","","Constructs a new QR code which automatically encodes the given data.",12,null],[11,"with_error_correction_level","","Constructs a new QR code which automatically encodes the given data at a\nspecific error correction level.",12,null],[11,"with_version","","Constructs a new QR code for the given version and error correction\nlevel.",12,null],[11,"with_bits","","Constructs a new QR code with encoded bits.",12,{"inputs":[{"name":"bits"},{"name":"eclevel"}],"output":{"name":"qrresult"}}],[11,"version","","Gets the version of this QR code.",12,null],[11,"error_correction_level","","Gets the error correction level of this QR code.",12,null],[11,"width","","Gets the number of modules per side, i.e. the width of this QR code.",12,null],[11,"max_allowed_errors","","Gets the maximum number of allowed erratic modules can be introduced\nbefore the data becomes corrupted. Note that errors should not be\nintroduced to functional modules.",12,null],[11,"is_functional","","Checks whether a module at coordinate (x, y) is a functional module or\nnot.",12,null],[11,"to_debug_str","","Converts the QR code into a human-readable string. This is mainly for\ndebugging only.",12,null],[11,"to_vec","","Converts the QR code to a vector of booleans. Each entry represents the\ncolor of the module, with "true" means dark and "false" means light.",12,null],[11,"into_vec","","Converts the QR code to a vector of booleans. Each entry represents the\ncolor of the module, with "true" means dark and "false" means light.",12,null],[11,"index","","",12,null]],"paths":[[4,"QrError"],[4,"EcLevel"],[4,"Version"],[4,"Mode"],[4,"ExtendedMode"],[3,"Bits"],[3,"Segment"],[3,"Parser"],[3,"Optimizer"],[4,"Module"],[4,"MaskPattern"],[3,"Canvas"],[3,"QrCode"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);