Macro qml::Q_REGISTERABLE_QML [] [src]

macro_rules! Q_REGISTERABLE_QML {
    ($wrapper:ident : $origin:ident as $qml:ident $major:expr=>$minor:expr, from $uri:ident) => { ... };

Provides definitions for a type that can be used from QML.

The same macro is used to prepare a type for being used as a normal type or a singleton. The only requirement is that the type in question should provide Default implementation.


pub struct Test;

pub Test as QTest{
        name: String; read: get_name, write: set_name, notify: name_changed;

Q_REGISTERABLE_QML!(QTest: Test as TestRsObject 1=>0, from TestModule);

Later on a type that was made registerable can be used in Q_REGISTER_QML or in Q_REGISTER_SINGLETON_QML macros to be used as a type in QML.