initSidebarItems({"struct":[["QListModel",""],["QVariant","This holds a value to be providen for a QML context."],["QmlEngine","Provides an entry point for building QML applications from Rust"]],"type":[["ColumnCountCallback",""],["DObjectCallback",""],["DataCallback","Called when the QAbstractListModel::data method must be executed @param self The pointer to the QAbstractListModel in the binded language @param index The DosQModelIndex to which we request the data. It should not be deleted @param result The DosQVariant result. This must be deferenced and filled from the binded language. It should not be deleted. See dos_qvariant_assign or other DosQVariant setters"],["FlagsCallback",""],["HeaderDataCallback",""],["RoleNamesCallback",""],["RowCountCallback","Called when the QAbstractListModel::rowCount method must be executed @param self The pointer to the QAbstractListModel in the binded language @param index The parent DosQModelIndex. It should not be deleted @param result The rowCount result. This must be deferenced and filled from the binded language. It should not be deleted"],["SetDataCallback",""]]});