Module qip::state_ops[][src]

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Functions for running ops on states.


Types of unitary ops which can be applied to a state.


Apply op to the input, storing the results in output. If either start at a nonzero state index in their 0th index, use input/output_offset.

Apply ops to the input, storing the results in output. If either start at a nonzero state index in their 0th index, use input/output_offset. This is much less efficient as compared to repeated applications of apply_op, if your ops can be applied in sequence, do so with apply_op.

Get conjugate of op.

Make a vector of complex numbers whose reals are given by data

Make a vector of complex numbers whose reals are given by the first tuple entry in data and whose imaginaries are from the second.

Get the index for a submatrix indexed by indices given the full_index for the larger 2^n by 2^n matrix.

Get the ith qubit index for op

Invert a unitary op (equivalent to conjugate transpose).

Make a Control UnitaryOp

Make a Function UnitaryOp

Make a Matrix UnitaryOp

Make the full op matrix from ops. Not very efficient, use only for debugging.

Make a vector of vectors of rows (with (column, value)) built from a function f which takes row numbers. natural_order indicates that the lowest indexed qubit is the least significant bit in row and the output column from f

Make a SparseMatrix UnitaryOp from a vector of rows (with (column, value)). natural_order indicates that the lowest indexed qubit is the least significant bit in column and row where row is the index of dat.

Make a Swap UnitaryOp

Get the number of indices represented by op

Given the full matrix row and col, find the given op’s row and column using the full n, the op’s nindices, the op’s `indices’.

Given the sub_index for the submatrix, and a base to overwrite values, get the full index for the 2^n by 2^n matrix.

Invert a unitary op (equivalent to conjugate transpose).