Module qip::pipeline[][src]

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Code for building pipelines.


A basic representation of a quantum state, given by a vector of complex numbers stored locally on the machine (plus an arena of equal size to work in).

A struct which provides the measured values from the circuit.

A handle which can be used to retrieve measured values.

A named state modifier.


An initial state supplier for building quantum states.

Order of qubits returned by QuantumState::into_state and other similar methods.

The set of ways to modify a QuantumState


A trait which represents the state of the qubits


Get the frontier of a circuit as well as references to all the StateModifiers needed in the correct order.

Deconstruct the circuit and own all the StateModifiers needed to run it.

Return the required number of qubits for a given frontier of Registers (those in the circuit with no parent Registers) and a set of initial states.

Return the required number of qubits for a given frontier of qubits (those in the circuit with no parent qubits).

Create a circuit for the circuit given by r. If natural_order, then the qubit with index 0 represents the lowest bit in the index of the state (has the smallest increment when flipped), otherwise it’s the largest index (which is the internal state used by the simulator).

Builds a default state of size n

run the pipeline using LocalQuantumState.

run_with_init the pipeline using LocalQuantumState

Run the circuit, starting by building the quantum state QS with a set of initial states.

Run the circuit with a given starting state.

Run the circuit using a function to build the initial state.

Type Definitions

A set of indices and their initial state.

A functions which maps measured values to a series of StateModifiers which will be applied to the state.