Expand description
A simple, efficient, quantum computer simulator.
q1tsim is a simulator library for a quantum computer, written in Rust. Its goal is to be an easy to use, efficient simulator for the development and testing of quantum algorithms.
- Easy implementation and simulation of quantum circuits
- Supports the creation of arbitrary quantum gates
- Most common quantum gates already included
- Measurement in
, orZ
basis - Possibility of measurement without affecting the quantum state
- Creation of histograms of measurement results over multiple runs
- Operations conditional on classical values
- Export of circuits to Open QASM and c-QASM for running your programs on other computers or simulators
- Export of circuits to LaTeX, for drawing pictures of your circuit
- Efficient simulation of stabilizer circuits
To use q1tsim in your Rust application, add the following to your Cargo.toml
q1tsim = "0.3"
As an example, here is a 3-qubit quantum Fourier transform of the |000⟩ quantum state:
use q1tsim::circuit::Circuit;
use q1tsim::gates::{CS, CT, Swap};
fn main()
// The number of times this circuit is evaluated
let nr_runs = 8192;
// Create a quantum circuit with 3 quantum bits and 3 classical (measurement)
// bits. The circuit starts by default with all quantum bits in the |0⟩
// state, so in this case |000⟩.
let mut circuit = Circuit::new(3, 3);
// Set up a 3-qubit quantum Fourier transform
// There is no predefined method on Circuit that implements a controlled
// `S` or `T` gate, so we use the `add_gate()` method for those.
circuit.add_gate(CS::new(), &[1, 2]);
circuit.add_gate(CT::new(), &[0, 2]);
circuit.add_gate(CS::new(), &[0, 1]);
circuit.add_gate(Swap::new(), &[0, 2]);
// Measure all quantum bits in the Pauli `Z` basis
circuit.measure_all(&[0, 1, 2]);
// Actually calculate the resulting quantum state, and perform the
// measurements, averaging over `nr_runs` runs.
// And print the results.
let hist = circuit.histogram_string().unwrap();
for (bits, count) in hist.iter()
println!("{}: {}", bits, count);
The result should be a more or less equal distribution over the eight possible states (000, 001, …, 111).
§Creating a circuit
Struct Circuit is the main structure used in creating a quantum program. The basic layout of a program to create a quantum circuit, execute it, and collect the results, is as follows:
use q1tsim::circuit::Circuit;
// Create a new circuit with `nr_qbits` quantum bits and `nr_cbits`
// classical bits
let nr_qbits = 2;
let nr_cbits = 2;
let mut circuit = Circuit::new(nr_qbits, nr_cbits);
// Add operations on the circuit. In this case, a Hadamard transform on the
// first bit, followwed by a CNOT gate with the first bit as control and
// the second bit as target.
circuit.cx(0, 1);
// Add a measurement of the resulting quantum state. This measures the first
// qbit into classical bit 0, and the second qbit into classical bit 1.
circuit.measure_all(&[0, 1]);
// Now execute the circuit, averaging measurements over `nr_runs` runs
// of the circuit.
let nr_runs = 1024;
// And finally collect the results. The `histogram_vec()` method returns a
// vector with at each index `i` the number if times the measurement returned
// `i` in the classical register.
let hist = circuit.histogram_vec();
Since version 0.3, many of the methods on Circuit
will return a Result
possibly containing an error code (e.g. if invalid bit numbers are used).
Checking the result of each modification of the circuit quickly becomes
tedious, so the circuit macro was added that can make
multiple method calls and immediately returns on the first error encountered
(or returns Ok(())
if all calls were successful). With this, the previous
program can be written as
let nr_qbits = 2;
let nr_cbits = 2;
let mut circuit = circuit!(nr_qbits, nr_cbits, {
cx(0, 1);
measure_all(&[0, 1]);
}).expect("Failed to build circuit");
let nr_runs = 1024;
let hist = circuit.histogram_vec();
§Custom gates
Using the Circuit::add_gate()
method, arbitrary gates can be added to a circuit. You can define your own
custom gates by implementing the Gate trait. To
implement this trait, the type should implement at least the
and matrix() methods. The
method should return a short textual identifier or label
for the gate, while nr_affected_bits()
returns the number of qubits on
which the gate operates. The matrix()
method should return a matrix of size
, where n
is the number of affected bits,
that describes the unitary transformation that the gate implements. An example
of a simple custom gate that rotates the |01⟩
and |10⟩
components of
a pair of qubits, is given below:
use ndarray::array;
use q1tsim::ExportGate;
struct Mix
alpha: f64
impl q1tsim::gates::Gate for Mix
fn description(&self) -> &str { "M" }
fn nr_affected_bits(&self) -> usize { 2 }
fn matrix(&self) -> q1tsim::cmatrix::CMatrix
let o = q1tsim::cmatrix::COMPLEX_ONE;
let z = q1tsim::cmatrix::COMPLEX_ZERO;
let c = self.alpha.cos() * o;
let s = self.alpha.sin() * o;
[o, z, z, z],
[z, c, -s, z],
[z, s, c, z],
[z, z, z, o]
Types implementing the Gate
trait may optionally also implement the
apply() family of methods if a more
optimal implementation than simply multiplying by its associated matrix can
be found.
§Exporting gates and circuits
The discerning reader may have notices the #[derive(ExportGate)]
on the custom gate in the listing above. This makes the type use the default
implementations of the export functions for a gate. Currently, there are
three traits for exporting a gate:
- OpenQasm for exporting a gate to OpenQasm code.
- CQasm for exporting a gate to c-Qasm code.
- Latex for exporting a gate to LaTeX.
You can use the default implementation for each of these traits by deriving them, e.g.
use q1tsim::OpenQasm;
use q1tsim::gates::Gate;
struct MySpecialGate {}
impl Gate for MySpecialGate {
/* ... */
The default implementations for OpenQasm and CQasm simply return an error,
since there is no way 1 to know how to encode a custom gate
in these formats. The default implementation for the LaTeX export simply draws
a rectangular box with the gate description inside. As seen before, if you
want to use default definitions for all export traits, derive from ExportGate
Note that to use a gate type in a circuit, it must be exportable, so an implementation for the export traits must be defined for your custom type, either through deriving or by providing your own implementation.
§Stabilizer circuits
Stabilizer circuits are circuits that can be expressed entirely in terms of
the Clifford gates H
, S
, and CX
, and qubit measurements. Since version
0.4.0, q1tsim
can simulate these circuits much more efficiently than
general circuits. If you have a custom gate type that can be represented
in terms of Clifford gates, and wish to use it with the stabilizer backend,
you should override the default implementations of the
is_stabilizer() and
conjugate() methods. As an example,
the implementation for a hypothetical HX
gate that first performs a Hadamard
transform, followed by an X
gate, could look like
use q1tsim::stabilizer::PauliOp;
use q1tsim::gates::Gate;
struct HX {}
impl Gate for HX {
fn is_stabilizer(&self) -> bool
fn conjugate(&self, ops: &mut [PauliOp]) -> q1tsim::error::Result<bool>
let (op, sign) = match ops[0]
PauliOp::I => (PauliOp::I, false),
PauliOp::Z => (PauliOp::X, true),
PauliOp::X => (PauliOp::Z, false),
PauliOp::Y => (PauliOp::Y, false)
ops[0] = op;
/* ... */
No reasonable way at least. Technically, we could take the matrix for the gate, decompose it into primitive gates, and export the corresponding code. ↩
- assert_
complex_ matrix_ eq - assert_
complex_ vector_ eq - circuit
- circuit_
method_ check - declare_
controlled - declare_
controlled_ cost - declare_
controlled_ impl - declare_
controlled_ impl_ gate - declare_
controlled_ latex - declare_
controlled_ qasm - declare_
controlled_ type