Module pyo3::types

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Various types defined by the Python interpreter such as int, str and tuple.


  • Iteration over Python collections.


  • Represents any Python object.
  • Represents a Python bool.
  • Represents a Python bytearray.
  • Represents a Python bytes object.
  • Represents a builtin Python function object.
  • Represents a Python Capsule as described in Capsules:
  • PyCodeNon-Py_LIMITED_API and non-PyPy
    Represents a Python code object.
  • Represents a Python complex object.
  • PyDateNon-Py_LIMITED_API
    Bindings around
  • PyDateTimeNon-Py_LIMITED_API
    Bindings for datetime.datetime
  • PyDeltaNon-Py_LIMITED_API
    Bindings for datetime.timedelta
  • Represents a Python dict.
  • PyDictItemsNon-PyPy
    Represents a Python dict_items.
  • PyDictKeysNon-PyPy
    Represents a Python dict_keys.
  • PyDictValuesNon-PyPy
    Represents a Python dict_values.
  • Represents the Python Ellipsis object.
  • Represents a Python float object.
  • PyFrameNon-Py_LIMITED_API and non-PyPy
    Represents a Python frame.
  • Represents a Python frozenset
  • Allows building a Python frozenset one item at a time
  • PyFunctionNon-Py_LIMITED_API and non-PyPy
    Represents a Python function object.
  • Represents a Python int object.
  • A Python iterator object.
  • Represents a Python list.
  • Represents a Python int object.
  • Represents a reference to a Python object supporting the mapping protocol.
  • Represents a Python memoryview.
  • Represents a Python module object.
  • Represents the Python None object.
  • Represents the Python NotImplemented object.
  • Represents a reference to a Python object supporting the sequence protocol.
  • Represents a Python set
  • Represents a Python slice.
  • Return value from PySlice::indices.
  • Represents a Python string (a Unicode string object).
  • PySuperNon-PyPy
    Represents a Python super object.
  • PyTimeNon-Py_LIMITED_API
    Bindings for datetime.time
  • Represents a Python traceback.
  • Represents a Python tuple object.
  • Represents a reference to a Python type object.
  • PyTzInfoNon-Py_LIMITED_API
    Bindings for datetime.tzinfo.
  • Represents a Python string (a Unicode string object).


  • PyStringDataNon-Py_LIMITED_API
    Represents raw data backing a Python str.

