Module pyo3::exceptions

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Exception and warning types defined by Python.

The structs in this module represent Python’s built-in exceptions and warnings, while the modules comprise structs representing errors defined in Python code.

The latter are created with the import_exception macro, which you can use yourself to import Python classes that are ultimately derived from BaseException.


Exceptions defined in Python’s asyncio module.
Exceptions defined in Python’s socket module.


Represents Python’s ArithmeticError exception.
Represents Python’s AssertionError exception.
Represents Python’s AttributeError exception.
Represents Python’s BaseException exception.
Represents Python’s BlockingIOError exception.
Represents Python’s BrokenPipeError exception.
Represents Python’s BufferError exception.
Represents Python’s BytesWarning exception.
Represents Python’s ChildProcessError exception.
Represents Python’s ConnectionAbortedError exception.
Represents Python’s ConnectionError exception.
Represents Python’s ConnectionRefusedError exception.
Represents Python’s ConnectionResetError exception.
Represents Python’s DeprecationWarning exception.
Represents Python’s EOFError exception.
Represents Python’s EncodingWarning exception.
Represents Python’s EnvironmentError exception.
Represents Python’s Exception exception.
Represents Python’s FileExistsError exception.
Represents Python’s FileNotFoundError exception.
Represents Python’s FloatingPointError exception.
Represents Python’s FutureWarning exception.
Represents Python’s GeneratorExit exception.
Represents Python’s IOError exception.
Represents Python’s ImportError exception.
Represents Python’s ImportWarning exception.
Represents Python’s IndexError exception.
Represents Python’s InterruptedError exception.
Represents Python’s IsADirectoryError exception.
Represents Python’s KeyError exception.
Represents Python’s KeyboardInterrupt exception.
Represents Python’s LookupError exception.
Represents Python’s MemoryError exception.
Represents Python’s ModuleNotFoundError exception.
Represents Python’s NameError exception.
Represents Python’s NotADirectoryError exception.
Represents Python’s NotImplementedError exception.
Represents Python’s OSError exception.
Represents Python’s OverflowError exception.
Represents Python’s PermissionError exception.
Represents Python’s ProcessLookupError exception.
Represents Python’s RecursionError exception.
Represents Python’s ReferenceError exception.
Represents Python’s ResourceWarning exception.
Represents Python’s RuntimeError exception.
Represents Python’s RuntimeWarning exception.
Represents Python’s StopAsyncIteration exception.
Represents Python’s StopIteration exception.
Represents Python’s SyntaxError exception.
Represents Python’s SyntaxWarning exception.
Represents Python’s SystemError exception.
Represents Python’s SystemExit exception.
Represents Python’s TimeoutError exception.
Represents Python’s TypeError exception.
Represents Python’s UnboundLocalError exception.
Represents Python’s UnicodeDecodeError exception.
Represents Python’s UnicodeEncodeError exception.
Represents Python’s UnicodeError exception.
Represents Python’s UnicodeTranslateError exception.
Represents Python’s UnicodeWarning exception.
Represents Python’s UserWarning exception.
Represents Python’s ValueError exception.
Represents Python’s Warning exception.
Represents Python’s ZeroDivisionError exception.