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Public Key Cryptography Controller (PUKCC)

This module provides both low and high level abstractions for dealing with a PUKCC peripheral.

PUKCC consists of a set of functions (called services) hidden within a reserved region of memory. These functions usually make use of a separate piece of RAM to operate called CryptoRAM.

c_abi module contains raw structs and callable C-like function definitions. Pukcc wraps this low-level access API and exposes it in a safe manner.


This module has not been evaluated for correctness nor suitability for any use-case. Subtle implementation details may have catastrophic implications for the security of your cryptosystem, and users are advised to engage a cryptographer before making use of this module.


Module that defines low-level constructs required for interaction with PUKCC

Module that defines curves parametrizations


Struct representing a PUKCC peripheral.

An error type representing failure modes a Pukcc::self_test service


An error type representing failure modes for a Pukcc::zp_calculate_cns service

An error type representing failure modes for a Pukcc::zp_ecdsa_sign_with_entropy and Pukcc::zp_ecdsa_sign_with_raw_k service

An error type representing failure modes for a Pukcc::zp_ecdsa_verify_signature service

An error type representing failure modes for a Pukcc::modular_exponentiation service

An enum describing available modes of operation of Pukcc::modular_exponentiation algoritm

An enum describing allowed, predefined window sizes for a calculation workspace in CryptoRAM for Pukcc::modular_exponentiation algorithm

An error type specifing an expected length of a slice in question

An enum type that is a human readable representation of a low-level c_abi::PukclReturnCode type. Useful when used together with a Debug traits and formatters.