[][src]Function pulsar_sys::pulsar_consumer_acknowledge_cumulative

pub unsafe extern "C" fn pulsar_consumer_acknowledge_cumulative(
    consumer: *mut pulsar_consumer_t,
    message: *mut pulsar_message_t
) -> pulsar_result

Acknowledge the reception of all the messages in the stream up to (and including) the provided message.

This method will block until an acknowledgement is sent to the broker. After that, the messages will not be re-delivered to this consumer.

Cumulative acknowledge cannot be used when the consumer type is set to ConsumerShared.

It's equivalent to calling asyncAcknowledgeCumulative(const Message&, ResultCallback) and waiting for the callback to be triggered.

@param message the last message in the stream to acknowledge @return ResultOk if the message was successfully acknowledged. All previously delivered messages for this topic are also acknowledged. @return ResultError if there was a failure