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The pullcaps crate provides a convenient, opinionated, asynchronous client for the PushShift API.

Getting all comments from a specific user.

The following example shows a small script that gets all comments made by a specific user.

use futures::StreamExt;
use pullcaps::{Client, Filter};

let client = Client::new();
let filter = Filter::new().author("reddit");

let mut comments = client.get_comments(filter).await;
while let Some(comment) = comments.next().await {
    println!("text: {}", comment.body);

NOTE: If you plan to perform multiple requests, it is best to create a Client and reuse it.

Getting posts in a given subreddit

The following example shows how to get posts from a given subreddit - in particular we utilize [futures::StreamExt::take] to limit ourselves to the five most recent posts in the subreddit.

use futures::StreamExt;
use pullcaps::{Client, Filter};

let client = Client::new();
let filter = Filter::new().subreddit("askreddit");

let mut posts = client.get_posts(filter).await.take(5);
while let Some(post) = posts.next().await {
    if let Some(text) = post.self_text {
        println!("text: {}", text);


The data model underlying the PushShift API.


An opinionated asynchronous Client to make requests to the PushShift API.

Used to filter a particular query down in some way.


Indicates how a particular query should be sorted.